From the conscious to the subconscious, join me as we explore the world of dreams.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Improving Dream Recall

Your presence at this blog suggests that you are either a dream enthusiast - as am I - or you are curious about your dreams. Both groups of people will benefit from improving dream recall. Here are some tips to remembering your dreams:

1. Enthusiasm: The more committed you are to dream recall, the more successful you will be at remembering the workings of your subconscious.

2. Practice: Daily attempting to recall or share your dreams will eventually make recall more natural and accurate.

3. Stillness: When you awaken, remain still in bed, close your eyes, and begin your recall. Let your mind take you back before it becomes occupied with the concerns of the day.

4. Record: The act of writing not only creates a written record, but it helps organize our thoughts and provides us the opportunity to "relive" our dreams.

5. Prepare: Before entering your dream world each night, read over or dwell upon your previous dreams. This may help you make new connections or prepare you to continue in a particular subconscious direction.

6. Share: I began this blog to give myself and others the opportunity to learn from each other. Experiencing others' dreams allows us to explore the differences and similarities in our lives. I have been amazed at how often a dream that I have shared has been mirrored in the subconscious of a friend or family member. Please feel free to share your dreams here (check out Dream Share in the upper left corner).

Happy dreaming!

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